J'onn Forsythe

I'd take that longshot.

King Kong Kitchie Kitchie Ki-Me-O, like all good folk songs, ends with murder. I still sing it to my children though. It's super catchy.

Upvoted for brenting boldly, without shame.

There should be a pool for the types of death. Stabbers looked like they had it last week until the Burners came through big.

Had to be a Brent.


Will I have to squeeze it myself?


Cookie Kwan: number one on the west side


Don't be afraid to support the ladies.

I been saying' that since Hutch left.

The American Dream really.

I just stay awake for the distruction of L.A., then check in for the wolves.

This is going to be a vicious slap-fight.


That is not a Gordon Gartrell.

St. Patrick's Day. Hangovers are for tomorrow.

Stretching. A lot of stretching.

Holy shit. Just saw it a few weeks ago. It has a ton of heart.