J'onn Forsythe

You are the gun toting nun this nation needs.

How many scoops of ice cream does second dinner come with? Will there be chocolate cake?

Is there something I could say to a Nazi to dissuade them from pursuing their endgame? Is there some other part of their plan that is an offsetting good for people who they seek to dehumanize, deport or exterminate?
Punching then.
I'm with you.

Drinky Crow sounds are the best sounds.


The way the legs crumple on impact with the weight of the concrete chunk behind them.

Reminds me of the the dik swinging, intelligence source burning, gift to the to the the Russians in the Oval Office. Just can't shut the pie hole.

Everything floats down there.

Not talking about it was never really an option for Don.

Golden Oldie?

*eyes cross*

Carbonite. I'll hang her in my palace.



Upside: A series of spectacularly failed missions seed the future with multiple Buck Rogers type heroes.

Nuke'em from space.

Confused and slightly sad up vote for you then.

Janice was one of the most distinctive muppets ever. The hair. The voice. Solid gold.

'Chicken in a Bisket' is unwieldy, but it would be a wonderful slur if it caught on.

The attempt would make for some good watching.