J'onn Forsythe


Whoa there. I'm a try-hard and I catch a lot of shit for it. Pick on someone else for a while.


Only if the community center is saved in the end.

Ok. Context is good. Flying level distances and the strain in the relationship not being purely focused on you are good facts to know about. I work on stuff that involves adults acting like petulant children, often with years of grudge holding, and its starting to get to me. The thought that some lady might not be

Listening to the intro theme song with narration at my shitty job just got me so pumped that I had to clench my fists and step outside for a moment.

Where do seagulls fit in to this melee?

Has your beau been in contact with her this whole time?


great avatar-pic synch up! Shulkie can't keep those flyaways down.


Small Axe always makes me feel better.

A-mola mecca-molla mecca-cholla mola hey!

- Carol Kane

If you find the time warp, please…send help.

Because the night belongs to lovers

Mustaches. Brushy ones. Certain young people hijacked that steez from firefighters and state patrolmen. Beards would get in the way of the chinstraps on their fireman helmets.

A strange thing happened in Washington: Instead of grafting commercial regulations onto the existing medical MJ co-ops, as I've heard was the case in CO, they created a licening framework that intentional separated new startup commercial outlets from existing co-ops. The plan created two competing models with lobbying

Flapjack is beautiful to look at. Even when it's being intentionally hard to look at.

Yes, I enjoy her columns very much. I found her Valentine's Day advice offered a nice peak into her personal life (though her experience with work/relationship is unique and offers few applicable lessons for the masses) and her fond recollections of the freedom afforded by Halloween match my own. I even enjoy her