J'onn Forsythe

Can we all agree that any dog entering a steakhouse in Texas should be required to wear a cute little bandana?

Then we can "are secretly unite."

Not after Anakin was done.

Half Man! Half Man!

You are first class commenter and your opinion has vaulted this tome to the top of my list. Thank you.

And ugly. Most don't look like Jean Grey.

Congratulations on being double-pants ready.

The downside: snowpack is a small fraction of historic levels and the farmers are going to be fighting the fish for water this summer.

I made the mistake of suggesting that sriracha was the perfect condiment to go with the Chicken Masala that Mrs. Forsythe made last night. She was of the opinion that it required no additional flavor.

Is Doubt: A History holding your atttention?

something something iron fisting

read as "prawn"

SHEP SMITH! Noooooooooooooo!

*AVC starswipe*

I miss the internally enforced five minutes of "outside time" the most.

Insurers and Health Care providers have found that the "efficiency" of cigarettes compares well against obesity.

Commenters far more cynical than you or I have eroded my hopes for a Miles Morales appearance any time soon. They have noted that whatever deal was done involved too much money for a Spider-Man that isn't Peter Parker. However, I agree that the MCU could use Morales to great effect.

I heard it was a real brouhaha.

Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they.

technically correct is the best kind of correct