J'onn Forsythe


Thinking about your funeral mix is a lot less morbid and a lot more fun than I thought it would be

Thanks. Also, drag the map around and look at the grassy areas for shadows of other Neolithic shenanigans.

***attorneys for Jurassic 5 file in federal court pro bono***

and get you one too

He made me giggle the other day when I caught him being Klaus Daimler on Life Aquatic. It's a little part, but he juices it.

My mom once gave me a
pop-psych self help book about Introverts that she thought might get me out of
a years long depression. I only read the first half (warning: potentially
spurious neuroscience ahead) which explained that Introverts have differences
in their brain structures, longer electrochemical pathways, that cause

I assign each of my oysters a naval rank. The Captain always goes down last.

You're one to talk, Mr. Keymaster of Gozer!

Well, having standards is how you become five time winner of the Buckeye Newshawk Award.

Rocky Mountain Calamari

I spend too much time cherrypicking through albums by artists similar to those I used to listen to when I should be getting deeper into harder faster genres. I'll keep an eye out for your TI Shufflethread.

The spirit is willing, but the flesh is spongy and bruised.

Thank you for putting this into words. I was wondering what was happening to me when I threw my whole library on the shuffle and couldn't sit through my favorite old tunes. Mrs. Forsythe doesn't like noisy punk/garage sounds, so I occasionally have to sit in my car like an angry teen.

ah…thank you

The cognitive dissonance created by your username/avatar vs. your sound advice is melting brain.

"Splendor in the Grass" Beatty, but not "Shampoo" Beatty.

This should have been the first comment.

I'll see your "serious moonlight," and raise it a "tremble like a flower"