J'onn Forsythe

Number Two for short?

Good work. It's not so much about weight as it is about changing shape.

I found out last weekend that bars are still for old people when I caught the early end of the Happy Hour at snooty craft beer spot. It was all Olds taking advantage of the equivalent of the early bird special at Denny's.

Hawkguy? I just started LA Woman.

Clearly, it should be me. Despite my limited acting background, I could pass for either Parker or Morales and I can pretend to swing through NY in front of a greenscreen with the best of them.
*Self promotes vigorously and to completion*

That's the stuff.

Dancing Venom then?

Listen bud,
He's got radioactive blood.

All respect due to @BenderBukowski:disqus's POV, but this is the right idea. Miles Morales is the future.

Iron Man: [as the fight begins] Call it, Captain! …
Captain America: You and me, we stay here on the ground…

Don't forget about the weed and the employment situation.

The Illustrious Leader defecates golden scrolls filled with wise parables.

Maybe living out west is the source of both my interest in the movie and my pronunciation skills. Mystery Solved!

That's not cool.

As a former professional, maybe you can tell me why I watch that silly film every time it's shown on TV. What attributes, other than 50% of the averge wit, might I share with the patrons of said Blockbuster?

I'll back that play.

Olympic Athlete

Richard Grieco?

No farms please.

Hail to thee, soccer league champion!