J'onn Forsythe

Go on…

You'd practically have a stew goin'.

Abandoning dreams of an athletic career to focus on more practical concerns? Don't forget your love of the game!

"Dogs and cats living together! Mass hysteria!"
- Dr. Peter Venkman

Your intestines are weak and you should be ashamed.

You've always been a straight shooter Schmoker.

Does it ever get near the vanishing point of representation and parody (as Cobert used to for comedic effect)? Or is it never that layered? I could see the same premise for a movie being good if the writers/actors subtly took the source material through the wormhole of its own moral absolutism.

Hong Kong Phooey

Don't lose your glasses.

I want to upvote your comment so bad, but I can't do it without more capital letters. I just can't do it. I'm sorry.

This comment reminds me of the fact that Tucci is in The Core. I watch things that I shouldn't because of Tucci.

The question that remains: Will Jets Fans voice their dissatisfaction with the draft picks on draft day? Only time will tell.

For that to work both of the parties would have to be able to admit that an issue existed. So maybe the reporter tries Potholes in Local Roads next time. Even then one senator might look at the pothole and say, "I'm not a scientist."

His legs are Number 1.


There is some corn in the Pacific Northwest, however there are also a ton of hills, so the corn won't be visible all of the time. We may be disinterested in you for a little while, but if you break through our cold wet exterior, you will find that we are warm and wet on the inside just like you.

You keep posting this and I keep upvoting. Is this a healthy relationship?

Ha! I had to verify via IMDb and her little picture is a headshot with cleave and his is a full body shot in loose khakis that minimizes the face.

Ha! I check old trades out from the Public Library and I just returned a collection of "Road to Onslaught." It was one of the worst comic experiences ever. Melodramatic senselessness contained in garishly colored trashily styled pages. Just the worst.

Lighten up Butternubs, he's a rogue.