J'onn Forsythe

This comment is aerodynamically designed to fit my limp wristed throwing style.
(edit; oh god. I share a brain with Coogin)

@shambolic used the term "mopey cocksmanship" yesterday and I'm still smiling.

please let this become a gimmick.

Just the peanut sauce for me.

Regarding Seahawks/Packers:
I live where that happened and I am one of those fans. What gets missed about that game is that, going in, none of the pundits or talking heads listed Mason Crosby going five for five kicking field goals as one of the Packers' keys to success. For an entire half, maybe three quarters or 55

Mediocre comedy, please, this is America. Also, no martyrdom, you stay safe out there.

But your absurd shirtless bogeyman validates our ethnocentrism so well. He wrangles tigers, but is scared of punk rock. We couldn't make that shit up if we tried.

dog recon episode or GTFO

"mopey cocksmanship" needs a place of honor in my vocabulary.

Sometimes you just hafta take what life gives ya, 'cause life is like a mop and sometimes life gets full of dirt and crud and bugs and hairballs and stuff… you, you, you gotta clean it out. You, you, you gotta put it in here and rinse it off and start all over again and, and sometimes, sometimes life sticks to the

Arcata : Eureka :: Airway Heights : Spokane


That's just great. Now I hate people too.

Yeah. I'm the shadow side of that: I grew up playing soccer and hearing my dad talk about the NASL version that folded when the league expanded too fast. The APSL/USL existed and some people got into the English League, but essentially being told that the sport I played didn't matter in my country and that I would

He listens to a mic'd up Ken Norton Jr. for vocal cuts to mix over beats. That's what they play during practice.


We know you are real.

Ha! I'm one of those. Sometimes I wonder how it became socially unacceptable to enjoy soccer and other sports at the same time. If you get a chance, look into Mike Gastineau's book about the Sounder's origins in the area and how it involved the Stadium deal. It's a Russian nesting doll of chips on shoulders.

Where did you get that idea? It's an interesting point of Seahawk history: in the plans for the new stadium they failed to hang the 12 flag or carry over any of the tradition built by the long suffering fanbase in the concrete tomb that was the King Dome. A particularly intuitive marketing guy thought to get some fan

8th grade: peak awkward