
A least u mentioned the rape, but let’s not act like this was a she said he said case. There was a lot of damning evidence against Kobe. He clearly raped her and u can admit that and still talk about the good he did and the legacy of his career. People are complicated and we can be honest about the good and the bad. 

I think that is fine though. The response to that is quite simple: “It’s disappointing that players would rather spoil something cool we made for them, but we’re going to keep pushing out new content.”

...incidentally, I would utterly love for these guys to do SNF or other primetime sports. Like I would have killed to hear Uber shouting during yesterday’s Texans - Chiefs game “THEY FAKED THE PUNT! ROLLING OUT TO THE RIGHT! BUT DENIED! THEY BROUGHT HIM DOWN SHORT OF THE FIRST DOWN LINE, MATT! CHIEFS BALL!” Give me

200 more Pokemon being added in a $30 expansion pass.

They took them out, to resell them to us.

What a time to be alive.

It’s $10 man. Skip a Chipotle lunch one day and you’ve paid for the season pass.

Unpopular opinion: The song sucks and the bard is one of the most obnoxious parts of the Netflix adaptation

Spending the months leading up to Joker’s release anticipating how bad it will be and then putting it on the worst of the year list for not living down to your expectations is pretty much Peak 2019 AV Club.

Kingdom Hearts sorta does dream tutorials sometimes?

Wow wasting all that money to hunt down some leakers when they could be using tbat money to add the missing pokemon to sword & shield.....

The poll white people over 40. If the majority of white people over 40 just heard of the artist for the first time this year, they’re new.

My mom limited me to two hours a day of video games and/or TV too.

Spoken like a true Luigi/Jigglypuff main.

Its my first CoD in a long while, and I definitely enjoyed the single player, but multiplayer, sound, and visuals are much improved (not without it’s own issues). I'm loving it and I haven't enjoyed cod multiplayer since the originals. I hope they keep going and improve and add quality content, because the overall

I wonder if the haters of storefront exclusivity deals are going to be complaining about Fallen Order not appearing in third part stores other than steam.

LOL, No I don’t. They were never actually upset about companies making deals for exclusive distribution. They were upset about not getting the games they wan ton

There’s no such thing as a game that is “too political.”

I believe I’ve read someone who wrote that they can’t give up their guns to the even if they want to. They’re being pointed to sell their guns outside of convention instead, which doesn’t solve the problem because then they would be much more rightfully worried that it will be used for crime.

I think you missed the part where she/masked vigilantes/the (very racially integrated) police are not necessarily better morally than white supremacists.

Or whoever runs her twitter account knew this would get wide coverage among a demographic that isn’t in her typical market and get her in front of millions of people who might not otherwise care about anything she does.

This is just fucking gross. Thats really all I can say about it.

And when he went to practice the next day, a small sign hung in the practice facility that read simply: Zach Brown Banned.