
And miss out on all the content generated by the cheese’s presence?

So all that talk for the last few days about how Riot wasn’t asking people to not promote Hong Kong, and how Blizzard wasn’t trying to make it more difficult for people to delete their accounts - we find that, once again, that’s not the case.

I feel like this doesn’t get brought up often enough.

Well I know I’ve found my line. It’s a shame because I was really excited for Blizcon and shit but the only way businesses are going to learn to not bow to China’s authoritarian whims is if the customer base punishes them greatly for it. Some mouthbreather is probably going to come in to the comments with the tiresome

Its not apathy.....gamers would rather downvote a Reddit thread or review bomb a game than ever lift a finger in the political world where the action is required.

You apathy and cynicism is inspiring.  You’re so cool and rad.  

They most certainly have that right.

It’s good the Sixers traded him. Could you imagine if they had a PG who couldn’t make an outside jumper to save his life?

I will forever and ever hate the Hurricanes for what they did to the Sabres in the mid-00's, and existing, when they should be the goddamn Hartford Whalers. But man, that clip of them raising the blood pressure of Don Cherry and Brian Burke warms my heart ever so slightly.

Jesus, that was an incredible play and Joe Buck made it sound as exciting as eating corn flakes in a bowl of lukewarm milk.

This is the only time the servers have ever gone down due to player volume...

Destiny 2 also went free to play this time, which never happened before. It’s hard to guess how many people that never played the game would actually tried logging in today.

And to think, just 70 some odd years ago he would have been an attraction.

People in the 90's said this about the 70's fyi

Streamers are cult of personality and digital strippers rolled into one. Tuck bits into their wasteband so they’ll notice you.

Strange, I’ve never seen a slant pass at the goal line get picked off before...

All-news formats are still alive in major metro areas. One of the NYC stations is what I wake up to every morning. Sports radio, on the other hand, needs to be flung into a volcano, no matter the frequency.

It’s part and parcel of Trump’s standard strategy.

I had a coach when I was little who knew that Edberg was my favorite player. One time, I missed a forehand into an open court - and missed badly - and was moping about it. Coach asked if Edberg would ever act like I was. My reply was that if Edberg ever hit a forehand as terrible as the one I just hit, then yes he

And he would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn’t been for those meddling.. wait.