…it also kinda makes me wonder where the value for Microsoft is in the entire deal now.
…it also kinda makes me wonder where the value for Microsoft is in the entire deal now.
More like “Screw you, got mine.”
I just beat it in 78 hours, we are so close to each other in time..
He created a character, played for 15 minutes dying 32 times, and the UI is the reason why. It all makes sense.
The UI tell you there is a button for details. Which display the Stat or the starting classes. Pressing back allow you to read an explanation of each Stat when you are on that screen.
That’s what the last 6 months could have been for.
Haha.This is Texas: cyclists are always presumed to be in the wrong because they should have been in a truck with firearms, like all normal people.
Across the board, CEOs salaries should be locked in the 6 figures. Of course the problem with that is that this isn’t often how they actually make most of their money anyways.
Does this mean you can stop spamming us with articles about her? I don’t care about twitch and I care even less about particular streamers on twitch. I'm here for video game shit
Director’s note: BotW’s weapon durability system is just fine, stop whining.
Enough with presenting BOTWs weapon durability system as objectively bad. Subjectively? Sure. We can all say we liked or didn’t like it. I for one hated weapon durability systems....until BOTW. I love how the durability stopped me from going all Gollum with my favorite toys. They break. Move on. Have fun. Don’t get…
[For BOTW] Then you’ve got the unnecessary button combinations needed to equip another blade. It’s not convoluted, but it does disrupt the game’s flow.
Reminder that this is a Ubisoft game. Another game company that covers up the sexual abuse by the people it chooses to leave in power. This type of article doesn’t exactly give me confidence that Kotaku won’t do the same thing for Blizzard when they drop their next big game.
In regular RDR2 I fondly remember taking out a group of kkk, capturing the leader, hogtieing him and throwing him on the back of my horse, took him to the train tracks, threw him on the ground positioned my horse so he shit on him then left him on the tracks till a train came. After he was run over by the train I put…
It’s almost like there’s a reason for high-quality regulatory bodies and anti-monopoly mechanisms to exist, so that when two overly massive and powerful companies go to war over what is chump change to them the average dev and consumer don’t get fucked over in the process.
Why would you play PS4 on a ultrawide though? It just means pillarboxing on both sides?
My brother passed away a few years ago now with little to his name. One day I was going through my advance games and found out that my brother was the last one to play my firered leaving me his mains. It took a few years to get the games to points where I could transfer but today his blastoise and Powers!! (he always…
Damn this is beautiful and shows how to be a real parent.
A least u mentioned the rape, but let’s not act like this was a she said he said case. There was a lot of damning evidence against Kobe. He clearly raped her and u can admit that and still talk about the good he did and the legacy of his career. People are complicated and we can be honest about the good and the bad.