
I also did not want to read all the way to the bottom of the article. Thank you for summing up the last paragraph for us.

Uh, was he wrong on either count? Nope. Fuck off, Pop’s still a genius.

it’s literally in their name, Food and Drug Administration

The Niners have won seven of their 39 games since firing Jim Harbaugh as head coach, including their last 10 games at home.

From the Reading Comprehension Tees

Well, the important thing is that MLB got what they wanted: a feel good story where the Cubs end up going to the World Series to defend their first championship in more than a century.

Oldest trick in the book. Jimmy’s gonna fill his bindle with everyone else’s clothes.

Their new offensive coordinator is Tom Foolery.

An Embiid Eclipse occurs when shade is thrown on the Whiteside of the moon

Right here

Can’t spell Maraghy without Magary.

He looks more like a Kyle to me.

I’ve never done cocaine. Is it true people like to snort it from between [redacted]? I’ve seen people use dollar bills in movies, but never a rolled-up FOIA request.

Why are you counting, you miserable dickhead? It’s already been played by your worthless ass.

So Metsy.

“I’m a fanatic and I’ve gone to maybe 6 games in my life.” - Guy With a Terrible Take

Are you going to gyms solely to set up the AV equipment?

People really spend all their time posting things on a web site without any compensation? How pathetic.

Tom, should you focus on his penis when his balls are the real story? I understand the confusion since there’s not a vas deferens between the two.

Writers here communicate similarly with Kyle Wagner.