

I'm not afraid of black people, what in the world makes you think something so stupid?

I don't mind you holding the lazy opinions that I'm a "troll" and a "piece of shit" but you have no evidence whatsoever of me being racist, because I'm not, so fuck you very much for slandering me, since I know you're reading this and haven't blocked me at all. Sucks now you've told that lie you can't respond though,


They carry out politically inspired terror attacks to further a grand plan (however misguided or stupid it may be). You and I seem to agree this guy most likely reacted violently in the spur of the moment. Yes, worlds away.

Racism requires an intrinsic power structure to operate

That video footage was probably him explicitly denouncing David Duke, because he did so seventeen fucking years ago. Yet the media were just last year claiming he never had and had to do so. He shouldn't have to keep re-upping when every nazi nut proclaims support for him.

I completely agree about that being the most likely explanation, which puts it worlds away from being compared to an ISIS attack.

He denounced them so many times only for the media to continue reporting his failure to denounce them.

I saw it.

Well the fact is the vast majority of them I don't find to even be "almost" racist. If that's down to a hysterical outrage culture dulling my reactions to insensitive comments, so be it.

Please don't suggest it's my movement, I'm not a racist or affiliated with Nazi beliefs at all. I haven't received any notification from a Lord Dudley and it's quite the task keeping up with the ones I am getting.

You misunderstand. I don't think he's "awful in every other sense" and I DO like and support him as President. I simply acknowledge negative character traits that I actually believe he possesses and deny those I don't.

Meh, I can't force you to believe me, but I imagine a troll would try harder to do so. I'm content to leave it there and never interact with you again.

You honestly believe he went there planning to do this?

I don't know his version yet, nobody does (not in the general public at least). But his car was being attacked with weapons immediately prior, whatever his mindset or reasoning, it seems spur of the moment and unlikely to be a planned political statement in the vein of ISIS' terror attacks.

I explained why it's not racist and in fact perfectly correct to question his impartiality. Are you stupid?

It's actually not "shite" - have you talked to many of your fellow supporters?

You can't pin either on Trump though.

An ISIS member would drive a car into a crowd in the name of Allah and proudly proclaim as much. Are you saying this guy intentionally did this to further the Nazi cause? I'll bet that's not his version of events.