
It's not theft because nothing is taken. It sounds like semantic quibbling but it's not; there's an inherent difference. The fallacy is assuming HBO (or any company) "loses" something from it, when there's no reason to believe they would have otherwise received payment from the consumer who is pirating. You can't

You can't demonstrate piracy harming pretty much any media company because, as counter intuitive as it might sound on the surface, it doesn't happen.

..bad episode, worst of the series, don't download it because nobody will spoil it?

Do you need the last word that badly, even when it's vacuous and worthless?

I would offer you the same invitation; demonstrate financial harm occurring to anyone as a result of this piracy. He slinked off for the very reason it cannot be done because it does not happen.

Very good episode, best of the season and among the best of the series. Massive happenings so I would advise watching before it gets spoiled for you somehow.

Netflix really excel at making big budget TV shows that are just ok. I really can't think off the top of my head of an original show of theirs I actually love. Everything's just…sorta pretty good. Well, their best stuff anyway, they have no problem making outright trash too (Sense8, OITNB).

Yeah, you pretty much said all of that already. I invited you to prove your claim. It is telling you didn't even attempt to.

It is factually not stealing. And I invite you to demonstrate piracy harming HBO's bottom line, they're doing better than ever. If you've seen your pay rate go down in recent years, internet piracy has nothing to do with it. The fact you're stupid enough to believe it is amuses me greatly.

I said nothing about not condoning it. I encourage those who are interested to seek it out and watch, they're not hurting anyone and chances are they'll be blindsided with some MASSIVE spoilers if they don't.

But you’ll have to wait until next week to see who’s still breathing

Yeah, I get it, you want to basically say every white person is unavoidably racist in some manner because blah blah blah….I've heard it all before. Frankly I should have cut this off the second you delved into that bullshit where non whites can't be racist, because people who spout that are stupid cowards and

I've had to deal with so many weeping vaginas on this site in the last couple days I don't even remember your point, nor do I care.

Being incorrectly labelled a racist is generally offensive to people.

…you said you saw it. Were you lying?

It shows what I said. Why do you need it to not be true? It doesn't justify his action if that's what you're afraid of, nobody's trying to trick you into defending a Nazi.

I'm very sorry you apparently are forced to read my comments with a gun to your head and have been denied your right to block me and never have to see anything from me again. That's a burden for sure.

I'm neither a cop nor a racist, internally or externally. Sorry this apparently is a disappointment to you.

There's documented visual evidence. If I thought for a second you'd respond to it with anything but more insults, I would seek it out for you. But I can see you don't want it to be true.

I don't mean like an actual sword or some shit, some kind of stick or piece of something being wielded as a weapon. And that's not pro-Nazi, it doesn't suddenly make what he did ok.