
You mean the judge who was affiliated with La Raza, presiding over a case involving a man who wants to build a wall to keep out illegal immigrants? There was absolutely nothing wrong with pointing out he was not the appropriate person for that case.

Well, true or false, it's entirely irrelevant to the point you were trying to make. Nice weaseling though.

Thank you. It's true, and these are the best and the finest. When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime.

Most Trump supporters "own" him being a racist? I think you'll find that's utter shite. I honestly don't believe he's a racist. An old fashioned sleaze, egocentric and many other things, sure. But nothing has ever convinced me of that.

That's your argument? Quibbling over a word choice? You really are dense.

He was referring to illegal immigrants crossing the southern border. Their ethnicity had absolutely nothing to do with what he was saying.

Did they attribute fake passages to him? If not, then I'm not seeing the misrepresentation. It's his words I object to, not the framing of them.


Ah so now we're moving the goalposts to only include mindsets you deem "valid". That's really not how it works. And your statement lends a sympathetic tone to the Antifa types, I think that would be a terrible idea.

"illegal immigrant" is not an ethnicity. You don't seem that aware to me.

No group killed someone, a person did. And you can bet he's going to make a meal of the fact his car was being attacked with weapons before he did what he did.

So if a bunch of black people got violent to stop a lynching, you'd condemn BOTH sides?

Actually they settled with no admission of guilt.

I'm not a racist, so no.

The simple fact is the Nazis, awful as they are, were NOT the only violent hatemongers present and causing trouble at that event. To denounce only them would have led to the other side giving him shit for not also denouncing people like the Antifa shitheads. So he denounced all the hatred and violence, which

That was referring to illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, not a race of people. Are you aware of the difference?

It's amazing how, for such a greatly prejudiced person who has made many racist remarks, the only examples of him saying any are always second and third hand hearsay, never directly from the man himself. Slippery fucking racist that he is!

I especially liked that speech at the memorial for the police officers assassinated by the BLM inspired racist, where he lectured the police about the dangers of them being racist. He was a real class act.