
I've seen shows criticised for not casting gay women of color, while I value good writing above all else, so you might be right there.

I might be persuaded if this were an isolated incident but it's practically the standard on this site now. Some of the Doctor Who grades are fucking shocking.

What other extreme minority irrelevant opinions have they passed comment on?

That's been a canon possibility since the 80s at least.

Alternatively, if the reviewer is grading honestly then they have absolutely no business being in the job. "Taste is subjective" blah blah I know, but there has to be a point where we can come together and collectively agree when something is not being the best example of itself. What we have right now is

When the majority of people pronounce a word a certain way, then that's the way it is pronounced. Welcome to language.

Understandable reaction to a harmless joke there.

It was on a par. Nowhere near A-worthy, certainly.

And my point was they can't get that quick grasp when the grades are so blatantly dishonest. It leads to confusion more than anything.

Then my original comment stands; they should go.

I don't care for it in the least either tbh.

It's the highest grade this site gives out, which would suggest this episode is the absolute cream of the crop when, in reality, it was easily one of the worst yet.

I think it's time this site just plain dispensed with the grading system. There's no honesty left in it whatsoever, really, that gets the highest mark this site gives out?

Hitler was a better writer.

Seems like he dealt with it appropriately.

I'll take Man of Steel and BvS over most comic book movies but this does absolutely nothing for me. Wonder Woman was basically just another Marvel film and this looks like they have opted to stay on that path.

Don't worry, I'm letting you off the hook. You have adequately displayed your stupidity and cowardice, clearly you haven't the courage to admit being wrong to go along with them. Cheerio you weird autistic fuck.

Seriously, running away and saying nothing at all would be less embarrassing than this. You've been utterly destroyed by the man's own words.

Fucking lol. How upset you must be right now, all that investigative work and autistic arguing down the drain. No wonder you're resorting to this tactic.