
I die laughing whenever anyone starts anything with “As a gamer”

Thank goodness the current NFL catch rules are perfectly clear these days.

Linguistically, your correct.

I feel like you could’ve helped progress the process of not tying everything Osaka does back to that moment by not using the entire final paragraph of this article to tie Osaka’s actions in this unrelated match that didn’t even feature Williams back to that moment.

To that end, we have hired attorney Rusty Hardin to assist us.”

Is that what America has come to? Taken a fresh looking blonde white American and turning him into a brunette, vaguely Hispanic looking? No wonder Trump is winning!

“Actual Players’ Likenesses” coming soon in $9.99 lootboxes!

It’s good that Press has at last acknowledged the folly of lending Barstool her celebrity, the USWNT’s fame, and the commendable and progressive things she and the USWNT have come to represent, and in doing so allowing an odious site to use her and the national team as a shield behind which they can attempt to hide

Weird that these types of articles are always written after a series against the Mariners.

glad this webstie still supprots the 2nd amendemnt

Suicide. Is there a shortcut this guy won’t take?

I actually sort of think there’s a truth to this. I grew up in a two parent household and I think it played a major role in why I am who I am.

Fun fact: “The Touching is, To Me, Off Limits,” was the original title of MC Hammer’s 1990 breakthrough single. 

You’re obviously not the father of a gymnast.

And I just hope that every Lions, Browns, Bengals, and Jets fan gets to have a little miracle of their own one day.

“These times demand the real shit.” should actually be the motto of monday night football. 

They’ll put you right to work on the Penske file.

He’s A Dim Son...