You know what, Lucasarts? When I told you, "It's not you, it's me..." Well, that wasn't strictly true.
You know what, Lucasarts? When I told you, "It's not you, it's me..." Well, that wasn't strictly true.
@Clutchman83: (I think this isn't the artist, it's Erik of the writers on FO3:
@DoctorSpooky: Congrats to you and your co-writers for making an incredible game.
@Silent.: I'm a card-carrying botanist and this gets my seal of approval. Great job and keep up the good work.
@pobregizmo: I picked it up at a buy-2-get-1-free sale for just that reason. The demo was so much fun, I couldn't pass it up.
@DocSeuss: Late 70's spy left out in the cold? Sign me up for that.
@dracosummoner: It's just a lot more complicated than that. The principle at stake is that not every aspect of every law can be on the table, for every case, all the time.
@dracosummoner: It is not an appeal to tradition—it's a necessary part of the practice of law. If everything is on the table all at once at all times, it could become impossible to tell what is legal and what is illegal at any given moment. You could imagine inferior and superior courts overruling each other ad…
@dracosummoner: To add to what Mr. Nose said, the problem with the Citizens United case as it was decided is that it violated a core principle of legal philosophy, which is that previous precedent should be respected as much as possible, until something major needs to happen (e.g., prohibition of slavery).
@VincentGrey: GoW3 for $10? That's nuts! Best deal I've ever found at a pawn shop was L4D for $20. Great find.
@Octopain: Word. Even the few disputes I've had have been extremely polite and civil. There is a lot of knowledge flying around this community, which is great.
@Guitarzan2k5: If you've never played ME1, go with that. Incredible game.
@madammina: Do your essays because each one you finish is one less you'll have to do in the future. :)
@RadiantViper: Wow, great catch! I'd missed the Sierra Madre posters.
@The Curse of Millhaven: Good call on the canyon wreckage, I'd somehow missed that location when tooling around Primm.
@Prosthetics: Op: Anchorage, Boomer style? That sounds like fun. And yeah, the gate outside of Mojave Outpost is a good location to link to a map.
Late to the party and posting this from the airport, but has anyone else been looking around for the doors to future New Vegas DLC? I think that Northern Passage is probably one—has anyone found any others?
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): You're right—now I understand how backlogs are made :)
I'll be finishing my Melee/Unarmed New Vegas character. Then I'll move on to AC: Brotherhood, Arkham Asylum, or Fable 3. The backlog is growing too large.
War...war never changes.