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Yes, destroy confirms EDI's death (she's on the board near the top-right) and he still takes a breath at the end. (Which is still a bit of a WTF for me....) Start here at 17:30.

So I'm only most of the way through watching the synthesis ending, but the mass relays aren't destroyed? Or did I miss something?

He does more or less admit that the staff was really upset about all the criticism and came to him begging to help the entire team out. I can imagine being in their shoes...a giant collaborative effort for years and then to have people drop the ball on you at the very end...surprised we didn't hear more leaks about

This reminds me a little of the Plinkett reviews from RedLetterMedia:

I didn't finish 2033 either but I liked the first few hours. Just got distracted by other games and never made it back to it.

And the plot twists in Tie Fighter were great foreshadowing of the complex later games, like KOTOR.

Too true—both deserve a place on this list. The B-Wing expansion for X-Wing, in particular, was so much fun...I loved that plane until I got Tie Fighter.

No Tie Fighter? Blasphemy!

Wow, that's terrifying.

And thirded!

She had a fairly recent photo up on Buzzfeed:

Yay indeed! And I'm proud to be in it too :)

Yeah, I know the one you're talking about. That lecture hall is also used for the EAPS seminars.

It's the EAPS department: Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences. There may be another department or two that has offices in there but that's the one I knew.

I'm not a lawyer, but an academic scientist, and I had to fight back tears of rage while listening to the oral arguments in the SC. I know the conservative bloc was grandstanding but hearing their ignorance on display was deeply, deeply disturbing. The level of discourse was somewhere near the

Elliott Smith did a great cover, too (this page also has his cover of "Whispering Pines"):

Here you go:

Breivik apparently copied parts of his manifesto from the Unabomber's:

Second on the Ellis run and a Global Frequency game would be amazing (could be a sweet multiplayer coop one, actually).