
To suggest that someone couldn’t be presently outraged at inhumane conditions because they didn’t know they previously existed is absurd. If there is a problem, the problem should be addressed regardless of when or where it started.

It looks like a faux performance Chinese knockoff of the old cheese grater. Not that I buy my machines based on aesthetics whatsoever but yeah. Thing’s gonna be a dust magnet, too. Get the canned air ready.

I’ve enjoyed this game despite the colossal fuckupery I’ve witnessed from Dice. My opinion? It was a rotten launch and should have been postponed. At no point has this game ever felt done/buttoned up/release ready.

Who hurt you?

Serious comment, looking for other insight-

Top aviation scientists have been able to mock up a rough schematic of the objects.


ONCE AND FOR ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111

Prooooobably writing this into a script. If it gets made come find me for a cut. ;) 

I swear, I’m about to write a children’s book called Every Movie Protagonist is Blue Now.

Regularly pay colorists to color footage. You’re correct. They wouldn’t. Not in a million years. This was a producer’s decision almost certainly.

Dude, union horse wranglers and horses are SO expensive. You get all the stars.

Alternative theory from a producer: when you shoot everything in dark, you can obfuscate what’s happening in the background and keep the shoot budget down. As soon as I realized this would all happen at night I thought that, and then followed with, “I guarantee the battle concludes at daybreak.” :)

Thanks! I knew it was something like that.

Minor correction: Mobile Money actually launched around 2014. I know because I produced the launch video for them and we did an A-B split test to determine whether or not the video aided in boosting conversions. It did by about 3.4x. It was a different age. :)

Prior to that they’d heavily backed Isis Mobile Wallet, but

Yeah, cats seem harder to appease when they’re in some state of grief. Because they’re cats. If they were easy, they’d be dogs.

I don’t think you’re projecting at all. You know what’s normal for your animal. You’re probably not seeing things. :(

There are all kinds of schools of thought around what helps them move past this but historically another doggo seems to at least help. It won’t solve everything, but in my experience a new, younger pup

Seriously, I thought we knew this already. Even if a pair of house cats lose the other, the surviving cat will act nuts for a long time and look for their buddy months after they’re gone. They can sense when the other is ill. If house cats can do it, primates for sure, never mind aquatic mammals. Elephants refuse to

Patch Adams 2 looks fucking insane.

The morality-based shaming continues over a normal body part all people have! Society sure has come a long way since... wait, no, it really hasn’t.