*furiously starts learning Russian*
*furiously starts learning Russian*
Yeah, I lost $200K of sales and pending contracts in about 48 hours representing a total revenue halt to my company so I’ll be hoarding mine while I slash my salary to just enough to survive.
Cool that you might buy a new desk, though. Neat.
Yeah, I lost $200K of sales and pending contracts in about 48 hours representing a total revenue halt to my company…
Can anyone else confirm that the primary story photo/cover photo is from the Lamar Pedestrian Bridge in Austin? It’s gotta be, right?
I’ve shot there I can’t even tell you how many times and I don’t recognize that siding. Did they upgrade it or is the photo shopped?
I don’t even understand how this can be the case. Creating and distributing a unique code is infinitely more easy at this point in history than shipping a piece of sophisticated, high-end hardware.
At least, one would think.
What was their social networking app?
Or remember Google Buzz?
Having the EXACT same issue right now. Currently on hold with Stadia support to get to the bottom of this. I’m holding the damn controller as we speak, but forget getting an OG username.
Google kind of just ruined my brothers’ birthday present to me. Haha. But really.
To be fair, the article DOES say “everything you need” in the title. :)
But thanks for your contribution, as well. I’m learning how to replace my ‘13 Sonata’s stereo because the Bluetooth 2.0 isn’t cutting it in terms of sound quality and I’ve so few miles on the car that I can’t bear to take on a car payment just for…
To be fair, the article DOES say “everything you need” in the title. :)
But thanks for your contribution, as well.…
I’ve enjoyed this game despite the colossal fuckupery I’ve witnessed from Dice. My opinion? It was a rotten launch and should have been postponed. At no point has this game ever felt done/buttoned up/release ready.
Who hurt you?
Serious comment, looking for other insight-
ONCE AND FOR ALLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111
Prooooobably writing this into a script. If it gets made come find me for a cut. ;)
Luke isn’t here to turn his back on Vader. Dude’s an infiltrator. This has been a very, very expertly executed coup. Gotta applaud evil here. They just fucking hit it out of the park. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything like it.
I’ve got both a regular Echo and a Plus, and I have to admit that I think I like the sound quality of the Plus better, though I’ve heard arguments against it. Just sharing personal experience. $88 is a deal.
I’ve got both a regular Echo and a Plus, and I have to admit that I think I like the sound quality of the Plus…
I would absolutely drive this for the sheer hilarity as long as the body wasn’t made out of some kind of weird plastic like the standard issue ones in East Berlin.
I just bought an MSI version last month for $529 because the price dipped $80. D’oh.
I just bought an MSI version last month for $529 because the price dipped $80. D’oh.
I just started watching GoT two weeks ago.
Now I’m on season 7, episode 3.
Works all right. Looks like I’m greenscreened into frame.
It gives us something positive to believe in when everything else seems kind of, uh, regressive.