
There have been a few times where I've read articles like this that made interesting cases for the prequels and I sort of get my hopes up that maybe this will be the piece that unlocks the whole thing. Then I watch the movies and I remember that the movies themselves are just painfully made and all the theory in the

That musical number was always jarring, it would be the one scene I'd be fine with just destroying. Did Lucas really think the problem was the puppet itself and not the awful/cheesy music?

I'd have a hard time believing book Bronn having this much trouble with the book Sand Snakes, TV Bronn struggling with this Disney Channel-lookin-ass group was laughable.

I can't wait to see the scenes where Tyrion gets raped by a slavemaster, Bran gets raped by a white walker and Dany gets raped by Drogon. I mean all of those could be justified by the same logic.

It offends my sensibilities and I don't think it has a point in the narrative. Ramsay is a very bad man you say? I think we got that from the endless scenes where he tortured Theon last season.

I would say his choice was definitely better than declaring war in them but it's hard to say whether he was astute or afraid. I saw fear and feel it make him look weak, which is not something he wants considering the populace probably already has little faith in their second child king.

I was so let down by that. Loras is supposed to be a badass fighter, why would he just let a gang of weirdos with no real authority take him without putting up a fight?

That was what I was thinking but does it mean they're cutting out any of the stuff with Tyrion and Jorah in slavery? I mean it would certainly speed things up.

I was just thinking how he was the opposite of Joffery. Joffery would have had those Sparrows killed before they even gave him reason, Tommen backed down even after they basically committed treason right to his face. I obviously prefer Tommen but neither one of those approaches makes for a good king.

What really annoyed me about the scene is that the people they were fighting were pampered ex-slave owners. If I remember correctly in the books they were effective because they would never fight like that, they would only sneak attack when they had overwhelming superiority in terms of numbers. A full squad of the

Thanks for the clarification! I will definitely look for a chance to try it for myself.

Seems like it could be a lot of fun but potentially painful to learn.

You can rewrite the script all you want, it's the reshoots that are a major pain.

The problem I have with this is that Littlefinger never explained how she's going to get revenge. Lots of people are talking about Sansa starting to "play the game" but here she just sort of goes along with Littlefinger's plan without really asking for him to explain what her role is in the endgame.

In addition to what you're saying what bothers me is that Ramsay is such an element of chaos. His violence would gross Joffery out. Even if Littlefinger has a pretty much perfect plan he still can't truly count on Ramsay staying sane and not torturing/killing Sansa.

Interesting theory. You actually inspired me to do a quick search to see if a decline in religious belief might correlate with a rise in belief in aliens. I found one site that seems to support this claim, although it is written by a Christian apologist who seems to think that this reflects badly on nonbelievers.

You could definitely argue that on measure the Catholic Church has done more harm than Scientology and it certainly seems that way on the issue of child abuse and the subsequent cover-ups. I'm not against comparing different religions to Scientology, I'm against doing it in a lazy and unthinking manner.

Your first sentence brings me great pride, your second brings me great shame. Still, I am grateful for both.

Ask a few transgendered individuals how they would feel about being referred to as trannies and come back and tell me it's just a shorthand.

Seriously. Even if you think all religions are by their nature bad you should at least be able to think in terms of levels of badness. It's always depressing to find people who can be careful thinkers in many areas suddenly approach the world in an entirely binary manner when their personal pet peeve comes up.