
Ghosts don't need exercise, silly!

"I Keane't!"

I'm having a lot of fun. It feels great to be back in the universe and you have a real sense of being a pioneer. There's this palpable sense of being part of a group of explorers trying to find a home in an inhospitable galaxy.

Two years lateer… "What's a Nubian?" is a joke from Chasing Amy.

Is it still mean spirited when you consider that the people who wrote the jokes were more likely to be the nerds rather than the jocks? Nerd self-hatred is pretty common and self-deprecation is even more ubiquitous.

What a coincidence, neither do I!

Alright, I seem to have created some confusion in my attempts at humor. My bad, let me try this again.

I really like some Immortal Technique songs.
I also really like some Nickelback songs.

I get being tired of him. I'm just confused that there are people who have graduated high school and haven't gotten tired of Immortal Technique.

Anyone who demands subtlety should probably just quit this show.

The issues raised in the review are mostly valid, but the sheer intensity of the episode overpowered all of its shakier aspects. This was probably the most horrifying episode of American Horror Story ever. It was also balls to the wall crazy.

Those fucking deputies, you'd think they'd take missing kids a little more seriously after pulling one out of a lake.

Agreed about the disturbing factor. I got chills watching the kids go from happy to hear their friend to horrified by the realization that he might be dealing with a fate worse than death.

Exactly! People might complain about the deal but what was the alternative? Like Greyworm said, they could only hold the palace, they weren't prepared to go on the offensive.

Cebu isn't the middle of nowhere!

She also didn't go back to Duluth for her treatment.

Did you see him? And did you see Maria? When you look like that you grab those sorts of opportunities and you hold on as tight as you can!

The Biblical quote at the end of their post seems to contradict that interpretation.

There's no shortcut to success in Hollywood quite like being an overweight, female, character actor.

I was pretty shocked when it was revealed that Walda was in Winterfell. It seems like