
You're absolutely right, noting that a transexual exists is not transphobia.

It's been a while since I've been this conflicted about a comment. I mean there's something to be said about the security of our intelligence operations. But on the other hand I find the idea that the government's right to safely spy and wage war on sovereign nations is clearly superior to our rights to privacy

Holy hell, you mean that line was reality and not a joke?

Middle Earth meets the Office was pretty good.

I wouldn't list it among the top films of the decade but I do honestly love it. If you like The Lonely Island, Will Forte or anything from the last decade of SNL I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy MacGruber.

It strikes me that Wes Anderson critics tend to fall into the same trap that some Wes Anderson fanboys/girls fall into, which is getting so hung up on his style that they overlook the very human emotions that ground all the visual flourishes.

For me both The Master and Inherent Vice are movies I would call less than the sum of their parts. Both feature some incredible performances, some great scenes and some beautiful shots. The problem for me is that both movies seem to go out of their way to alienate the audience and avoid the sort of storytelling we're

The top 20 is pretty damn white.

Plus the TV show is super Japanese. I'm not sure how you translate a kid getting super-excited for melon bed or croquettes for an American audience. Or how American kids will react to the humor of a depressed and perverted middle age man with the body of a poodle.

Would you believe he's also a pervert? One of the times he gets put in jail is for sculpting a vase that resembles a nude female form.

Would you believe that's actually in the movie?

He's already feuded with Bill O'Reilly.

"It's because you're getting paid more than Whiplash made its entire run." - His Agent

You heard one black lady singing and thought it was another, therefor you must be racist. Apparently.

“We came with that the day before at rehearsal,” Martin says, “[Because] we didn't want to do nothing that's already been done. He didn't want to do ‘i.’ Let's just, you know, fly out. Let's rehearse in New York and get that energy and do something a little different.”

It's really a bold and powerful move considering the song may be the most radio-friendly of the album.

I remember when around the time that album came out The Source was making a big deal about the fact they were going to give out their first 5 Mic rating in half a decade years. I was so disappointed when they gave it to Trill OG over Sir Lucious Left Foot, I mean Bun is one of the all time greats but Big Boi's album

What a disappointing way to learn about the Wizard of Oz/Peter Pan/Red Badge of Courage/Adventures of Tom Sawyer crossover I never knew I needed.

Was definitely not expecting that to be so casually slipped into the article. I mean it takes a lot to shock me but holy shit!

Holy shit, Nurse Jackie is still on?!