
We can't totally get over it but there are small things we can do. Here are some suggestions:

Come on, you can't say that, that's racist. Immigrants are only doing the jobs Americans are too lazy to do. White Americans I mean, white Americans are unemployed because they are lazy and non-white Americans are unemployed because racist employers would rather hire immigrants to do the jobs that Americans are too

Here is a rather in-depth series critical of the group. I'll give you a quote so you can get an idea of where they're coming from:

If they cast Evelyn Lin as Evil-Lin then I'm in.

I also hate the way they play it off as "everyone has a part to play and you can't judge them for playing it."

Him getting a bigger role next season is one of the few things that could bring me back.

Two disappointingly anti-climactic deaths that came disappointingly late.

If she can spend thousands of dollars on porcelain figurines she can afford to pay $140 for a will.

I'd say your last quote goes too far, but it's exactly how one of the main characters of the series talks…

Indeed, but if we're going to start playing the game where we judge people based on their standing on the privilege ladder then not looking at things from a global perspective is just Americanocentric.

I'll happily admit I'm a privileged asshole, if I wasn't I wouldn't be doing this.

You need to spend 5 years without phones, Internets, electricity and the constant threat of being killed by the civil war engulfing your country, then you can come back and talk about privilege.

I thought for sure he was going to announce Selma.

If I have kids I feel like my speech to them is going to be something like this:

That really does explain everything.

This is actually the second time I've seen something described as the Muppets meet the Wire.

What really annoyed me was when they did the auditions montage and they kept cutting to him but never to any of the good stuff, because his audition was fantastic!

According to Wikipedia she was host for 21 episodes, or a full season. I would have guessed she was in less. But that puts her in 14th place if you're ranking hosts by the number of episodes they've done, out of 23 hosts.

These bastards really did it, bringing back some of the best things about BB while still making it feel fresh and interesting. I mean even though I know Saul survives I'm still on the edge of my seat wondering how he's going to get himself out of this shit.