
A B- is enough to get a fresh on RT so C isn't necessarily that far from Fresh and B isn't necessarily that far from rotten using RT's binary measure.

I wasn't paying attention to what the commercial was advertising so when I first read someone referring to it as a tampon commercial I thought they were making a sexist joke.

If I was just tuning into the show for the first time a C would seem right, but judging on the SNL curve Jebediah alone earns this at least an B.

Especially if the next two books are anything like the last two books. I'm thinking of Daenerys spending an entire book under siege or bogged down in politics or Stannis' ever expanding march on Winterfell. Even through the lulls I kept reading like a maniac because I wanted to see what happened to all these

Lets not skip over the fact that they're called fucking "death sticks."

Agreed. He seems to have gotten worse at singing and I didn't know that was possible.

I actually came to grips with that fact as I wrote that comment. I probably should have re-written the second sentence but I'll leave it as a testament to my wide eyed optimism.

I can't say it's unexpected, but it still hurts to hear.

I am surprised that he wasn't already in jail.

People who decided to see a movie called "Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa" got exactly what they should have expected.

C'mon, this list is bullshit. If it had any artistic integrity it would include avant-garde Tibetan grindcore.

I can't believe this is coming out the same day as Jupiter Ascending, or that studio executives thought either of them were worth as much as they cost. It's hard to think of a bleaker day for Science Fiction and Fantasy films.

I had a feeling someone would bring this up but I didn't want my post to get too long.

I could understand Cloud Atlas getting money because they could still say that Speed Racer was a rare misstep, but at this point are they finding investors from countries where Speed Racer and Cloud Atlas weren't released?

I loved Cloud Atlas but I don't know how they got a big budget after that. It made $27 million domestic on a $100 million budget! And Speed Racer made $43 million on a $120 million budget.

Agreed, why can't the distinction simply between dramatic and comedic rather than serious and frivolous?

I was confused because I thought you were talking about Hockey, which is emblematic of ill-tempered Canadian meatheads

I continue to quote this line semi-annually despite the fact that I don't think anyone I've quoted it to knows where it's from.

That's racist.

Awesome to hear this, ADHD was a pretty hit or miss block but Lucas Bros. was fantastic.