
Just what I was thinking. Pulling off action moves in a game is cool because it gives you a sense of power, and the fact that you can be defeated gives it some drama. With a movie there isn't that direct connection between us and the characters on screen and since we know the main character is pretty going to make it

That fucking goblin king with his disgusting tumor-beard. I love how you can show decapitations, blood and that sort of disgusting shit in a PG13 movie but one nipple can get you an R rating.

At first I thought you were saying there was a time when the thursday lineup was "Cosby, Cheers, Seinfeld, and Friends "

I can't figure out why they haven't made a new TV series yet. Star Trek works best in that format and today the quality of TV shows is at an all time high. A new Trek series would make up for the sins of the latest movies.

"Especially that last episode." — Generalissimo James Franco

Oh wow, this is embarrassing, I had no idea they were married. Damn, that's depressing.

Where did you get that from this episode? I must have missed something.

Would it be that much of a problem? I mean it's not like Allison Williams, Christopher Walken or Carrie Underwood did much to push the boundaries of their respective characters. Well, Walken tried to see how close you can get to sleepwalking through a performance without actually being asleep.


From what I can recall the main character was blindfolded during his interrogations but his nose was still free and he recognized the interrogator because he smelled like rose water.

I don't know it might be like school shootings where it's the quiet ones you have to watch out for. I remember more than a few people debating the pros and cons of assassination during the GWB years. And the last century provided us with plenty of examples of left-wing violence. I can see the appeal of arguing that a

Super late but I have to say I'm glad you and ZZZ pointed this out. So far the men on this show have been adulterers, rapists, murderers, mad scientists and possibly demons. I feel like I'm reading reviews for a show where the main male character isn't an insane asshole who refuses to move out of a home that is

Bringing up the gun seems really important to me, brain damage would explain the total disconnection from reality that he seems to undergo.

Watching him come out of his tent near the end you could have sold me on him being the world's biggest baby.

Yeah, it's good stuff but the pieces don't quite fit. I mean if they were really going for the simpleton who doesn't understand his own actions it would explain him murdering people who tried to get in his way but it doesn't explain something like decapitating a man, sticking his head on a shelf, and laying in wait to

I also enjoyed Cam telling Lilly to explain the joke.

"Are you from the future?"

I'd say they have more of a redneck lifestyle going on than a stoner lifestyle, though there are lots of weed jokes being made.

It might be an unpopular opinion on other sites but I don't know why it would be here.

I thought he grabbed a chocolate bar and started eating it.