
And third prize is you're fired.

Holy shit, wow! I mean, I sort of want to know how something like that happens but I also really don't want to know.

Exactly what I was thinking. If it's possible to score people without speech skills could you determine the IQ of a dog? Or a chicken, duck, pheasant or turkey?

That's second prize.

It was much better when it was just an idea.

Was there an entry on white people who like "Black music that they think black music listen to but really aren't sure because they don't actually know any black people, they just really don't want to be like those OTHER white people who listen to black music"?

The best part was the genuine look of pride shared between the older generation, knowing that they'd done their part to keep the tradition going.

I'd like to see someone try to explicitly argue for a system of government sanctioned rape. Would we hire a professional rapist? Would we build a rape machine? What amount of rape is the correct amount of rape in this case?

Whatever you may think about the death penalty at least its advocates will come out and say they think the government should murder people. There isn't even a term like "rape penalty" but it's implied and joked about.

I'm always amazed how no one would advocate sentencing someone to be raped, and yet plenty of people feel fine with the idea that it's a "happy" little bonus on top of the civilized punishment.

I was actually thinking of Amy would be an anti-hero like Walter White if the movie was from her perspective, but since we start with Nick and follow him through most of the film it's hard to root for her insanity. I wonder how filming Breaking Bad from Skyler's perspective would change our view of Walter White.

AZ is fantastic on that song but I'll say that Nas' verse is just as good, if not as showy.

Lilly is no longer Cam and Mitchell's daughter, she's their exasperated roommate.

It is strange, but my charitable guess is that he signed on before he knew the scope of the role. Or maybe his logic is that any added diversity is a step in the right direction.

I remember reading this quote from Hounsou on why he took the

What would you recommend I watch for insight into my weirdo female friends?

The pilot episode of </scorpion>?

For me a speedy read is usually a good sign, although having no recollection is fairly damning.

A lesson that can't be taught too many times.

You can go up on a steep hill in Cupertino and with the right kind of eyes you can almost see the high water mark.