
My thoughts exactly. I remember when the 160GB I was so optimistic about the future, thinking that 500GB iPods were just years away. Little did I know I was watching the wave crest…

What? Shit, I need to buy like 10 now.

It's weird to read an Archie and think.

"Lena Dunham plotting feminist Archie Reboot" sounds like some kind of click-bait mad-lib.

I've never read Archie before but I can't believe that's the problem that comes to mind. Given how old it is I assumed they had an issue or two dedicated to teaching women not to wear skirts higher than their knees.

Listening to her interviews from the past 20 years a pretty consistent theme seems to be that she never got the full respect she was owed.

Where did I say this observation is new or original? Of course this is something that has been looked at and investigated since the internet hit the mainstream. I just thought the detail with the criminal psychologist was interesting because she was someone with the expertise necessary to make a trustworthy judgement.

I basically believe that privacy is dead, note the fact I comment using my real name, real picture, leaving a paper trail of my real opinions.

Let me further clarify my original comment because I feel like it's clear I miscommunicated it.

True, but a lot of them are putting it on display via anonymous internet accounts. I wonder how many of them would say the same things in front of their friends/families/potential romantic interests.

Understand that the argument isn't that the internet invented these forms of behavior, it's simply that they made them worse.

The fact that this is the usual is deeply depressing.

Well like I said in the original post this is obviously over a legal line as far as how they got the pictures but now that they are out in the open does that mean we can all gawk at them without giving a second thought to the morality of the act?

You think that's bad? I've played dozens of these fucking games, probably spent hundreds of hours just making numbers get bigger and injuring my hand in the process.

I had a friend who didn't have a facebook profile for the same reason. The sad thing was watching how people would react. When he would tell people they wouldn't believe him and you could tell that they trusted him less once they told them he didn't have one, like it was proof he was hiding something.

I was talking to a criminal psychologist who was saying that the internet was increasing levels of sociopathic characteristics because it means we can interact without the traditional feedback that comes from face to face communication. Even many people calling for increased justice and empathy will go straight to

One of the interesting things about all this is the question of where you draw the line. Basically every celebrity gossip site is built on violating privacy. And what about all these sites like People of Walmart, Worldstar Hiphop, etc that are built on sharing photos of strangers without their permission? And then

I would really appreciate it if everyone who said "they had it comin" would have their shit hacked and posted online. I'm sure they're all fine outstanding citizens who have never done something that they don't want displayed in public.

Which, once again, is frustrating because these are the same people who crow the most about their adherence to the constitution.

Exactly! That's what really gets me, people who think confuse separation of church and state with censorship, that if the government refuses to endorse one religion it's the same as an explicitly atheist state. You can have all the Jesus you want, just not on government property.