
It also helps that Cheers is in many ways a workplace comedy, with half of the cast being made up of the bar staff. So you never really ask, why are we still in this bar? Just like no one watches "The Office" and asks "why are we still in this office?"

I honestly assumed her show was canceled. But then again as far as I'm concerned E! hasn't existed since I was in high school and I used to watch "Wild On" in hopes of some of that sweet, pixelated spring-break action.

I don't see the shame, Les Mis is really good. I mean the movie isn't the same as a good stage production in my opinion but still a worthy effort. Russel Crowe's singing aside.

I have to say I appreciate that you are so knowledgeable about the film you are criticizing.

White people have fucked up far more black songs than the other way around.

Scientology: Definitely not science and quite possibly not a religion.

Over the course of the next 88 years are we going to get a full feature film, one minute at a time? It'd be like the Boyhood of beer commercials!

I thought there wasn't enough wackiness. I remember when there was maybe one or two serious commercials a night and the majority were at least trying to be funny, now it seems like everyone wants to make the audience cry or start waving tiny American flags.

Still better than the actual sequels.

I thought the Morpheus commercial was hilarious just for the idea that he starts out saying "the world of luxury has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth." Which makes sense from the Matrix perspective since the idea was that we're being pacified by things as trivial as luxury and we actually should

Only the same way that the sort of bland flag waving that other commercials engaged in could be considered conservative. The vast majority of Americans have fondness for some level of multiculturalism and American exceptionalism, otherwise you wouldn't see risk-averse companies betting millions on them.

Sounds like everyone wins here to me!

White chicks would be the new oppressors, followed by Asian men, then Asian women, and so on and so forth until only pansexual-transexual-neuro-atypical-handicapped-polyamourous-Native-American-lesbians are left.

*Adjusts the straps on my invisible backpack*

Go for it man!

As a white male what am I supposed to be doing again?

Wait, are you saying people who don't like SJWs are disliking posts criticizing this tumblr? Because this tumblr sounds like it was written by SJWs. Although I guess there is a clash between feminism and anti-racism sort of going on.

What really sold it was the fact that he re-listed it for the same price. It's like the guy who tells a joke again when it doesn't get laughs the first time.

I really enjoy Eastbound and Down and Archer and this looks completely unwatchable.

The climactic scene is testimony by a talking monkey.