
Plus it's one of the greatest twists I've ever seen, Vince should be allowed to spike the ball a bit while we're all still trying to wrap our heads around what just hit us.

Great point bring up half-measure vs full-measures, in this last stretch it really felt like Gus started taking half-measures with regards to Walt whereas Walt was clearly willing to do ANYTHING to stay alive.

"I may have dissolved two men in acid, but I will not stand idly by and be compared to history's greatest monster!"

My favorite demon name is from John Dies at the End. Well, not technically a demon, but this creature possesses this wigger kid and starts calling himself "Shitload," because 'there's a shitload of us in here.'

I'm sick and I can't stop watching this show to do anything else, my apartment's beginning to look like Jesse's.

With regards to 2, they've had their hands on a lot of cash, but I wouldn't be surprised if so far they've only managed to keep $80,000, although I'd wager closer to $80,000 on Walt's part because he seems like he's been able to keep more of his.

Is it?

What's really amazing is I hated his guts in the first few episodes, he just seemed like such an over the top, cartoonish meathead. But he really has been fleshed out so much more, and I really feel like they've tapped into the type of character we've all met.

Babies suck the liquid out of you from the inside.

If you say "rest cure ain't yours" fast enough it sounds like "Rescue Rangers."

the second was pretty great, but the fourth paragraph is what made this one classic.

This reminds me to start referring to myself as Jon Hanson of the 21 1/8 century.

What really makes me upset is that the script is out there, along with art. I'd really love it if Nick would bundle those pieces with the lost script for the pilot about Helga and her family in Highschool and released it, as a book or even an E-Book because as it is the stuff is just sitting in some file cabinet.

East Asians make it a little later.

That was beautiful.