
yeah but did you read that article he wrote about hamilton and his bio dad being a rapist

i'm still trying to forget

why would i need a video to learn how to HATE something?

Echo was David Mack, the Hood was Brian K. Vaughan

because jeph loeb is a bad writer who writes big mysteries yet doesn't know how to actually write mysteries

For the longest time Brian Bendis was really the only writer willing to use characters recently created by other writers. Although given how he wrote Echo, Sentry, the Hood and the like it's debatable whether it's a good thing.

Exactly what I was gonna say. The first movie doesn't really leave any room for expansion of the origin.

"Bill just stabbed a homeless person and stole their shopping cart. Classic."

the office of the presidency should be mocked

and the less said about CBR the website the better.

that is a good scene

Jeffrey Dean Morgan shows up too!

You're right. You're absolutely right. I was dismissive and rude when you were merely stating your opinion. That's a problem of mine that I have to work on. I'm sorry I treated you unfairly.

I know Sebastian Bach mainly from his model train rivalry with Patrick Swayze.

yeah, punisher distracting black widow with white guilt was superior to The Slavers

I need to rewatch that

AKA Mark Waid using a character as a finger puppet

that might explain why you liked it and i didn't. "someone undergoes a similar tragedy and is contrasted with the punisher" was a tired plotline by the time rucka got to it if you've been reading the punisher for a while. (same with the idea of a lady punisher.) glad you enjoyed it, though

Job, Internet!

Man, I hated the Rucka run. He just used it as an excuse to create the one female character he writes in every goddamn comic.