
Winning an Oscar doesn't guarantee plum roles or continued success. Adrien Brody and Forest Whitaker are in tons of DTV garbage, and Hillary Swank's done her fair share of crap too.

like 40% of marvel's "ongoings" are actually miniseries they don't call miniseries because they automatically sell worse when called that

no, her one-joke premise is hilarious and will always be hilarious

how is "An understanding of what made the original so powerful" a rule

This has been available on torrent for months so it's surprising this got a theatrical release.

The Call.

never said it was fresh, i just think it's a hilarious piece of writing. he thought iraq would teach saudi arabia a lesson!

yeah, advocating for a war that killed a million people is a real whoops

done and done, sir or madam

some stupidity is evergreen

nah, jerking off to the idea of going to war with iraq works for me just as it did for dan savage

My favorite piece of Dan Savage writing

Boy, you have lost a LOT of hair.

bullets bounce off of fat guys, dude

Man finds out colleague is dead during less-than-ideal circumstances: GREAT JOB, INTERNET!

Unabomb is not a verb.

“spiritually and emotionally unabomb"

I already lost a tree because of an attitude problem.

Obscure? I'll have you know Geoff Johns did a VERY interesting revamp of the Cretinous Asshole fairly recently

harrison ford seems more like he's angry that he even has to be there, whereas bruce willis is lights are on but nobody's home