
they said 'celebrity', not 'worldwide icon'

I always enjoyed your comments.

It's still pretty round, but he's only seven years old so there's still some growing to do. And yes I do call him The Thing, usually when he's being a jerk.

Marginated Tortoise. Since they're from Greece I named mine after Greek thespian Michael Chiklis.

As the owner of a tortoise, I don't care why, I'm just glad they have.

oh christ, not that guy

yeah, america's been fully socialist for like YEARS now and racism still hasn't been solved!!!

Why should I?

that wimp has sex with slaves and harasses women in lyfts

they said "blogged", not "drank"

that's real…uh…the riches

No. I mean, I already think he's a good actor, but Twilight will follow him, just as the Funky Bunch followed Marky Mark.

like colbert getting the late show making #cancelcolbert unnecessary, so too will kinja make #canceljongorski pointless

conservatives decided to follow liberals' lead of getting offended by jokes and demanding people be fired.

But I thought making a joke people didn't like means she totally deserved to be fired?

at least two of the performances - malin akerman and matthew goode - are out and out terrible.

do you mean the 3 hour director's cut or the 3 hour 30 minute ultimate cut

that's perfect, dude

Akerman's performance in general was terrible. You could tell Snyder's character priorities roughly went Rorschach > Comedian > Dr. Manhattan > everyone else

Watchmen sucks. Snyder gets the images but none of the messages behind the images. Slavish devotion only gets you so far. There's also the problem that while Watchmen is making superheroes more like the real world, the film has to make the real world account for superheroes. I felt I was watching the live action Tick.