
you clearly didn't know the obvious, provable fact that ALL democrats support universal healthcare!

you know, if democrats are so concerned about third parties spoiling everything, they may as well just work on getting them banned from national elections. why the fuck not

the democrats are fucking morons that will run a ticket of mitt romney and lena dunham in 2020.

you don't think, uh, maybe the iraq war indicated that to the world?

hey, why is it suddenly "wrong" to pal around with henry kissinger?!

Nah, Kazaam wasn't Jewish I don't think.

because i just know in the star trek world i'd be the one stuck with the job of mopping the jizz off the holodeck

It's ironic to use Great Job, Internet! to make the case that we should save the Internet.

we're talking about superhero movies, not good movies

and then she'll need a little shot of penicillin

there's no stated expectation of fun here. the av club exists for us to complain about trump and complain about univision replacing the commenting software we all hated with something worse

that sketch is still one of the best things SNL has ever done

After so many years of Cyril's actor putting on a voice to establish his mental degradation, it still was freaky when he used his 'actual' voice.

and if something's important to the comics, it never, ever gets its importance lessened in adaptation

marvel keeps outdoing themselves with terrible photoshop posters.

yeah i'm really glad they're starting to take some risks like 'black people' 30 films in

i'm just glad it's okay to blame the jews for all the problems in the wor—i mean marvel cinematic universe again

they made a fucking steel movie in 1997. there were more black superhero movies in the 90s than last decade

well, uh, it's not just the publicity shots that make the CW look cheap

well i don't think black panther is going to inaccurately and poorly portray World War I