
but beetle's supposed to be the fat one

what the fuck is a comedy version of patty jenkins?

nor was there ever the absurd 'radiation killed all cats and dogs so we decided to domesticate apes to be our pets' plot point

paul dini would just make it an R rated movie about zatanna improbably falling for a pudgy nerd

it'd be forgettable if not for the ending, but since it's got that ending…

It's a reboot cause the original series gives a completely different explanation for why apes become advanced.

the worst thing about it is this is like the third time they've cancelled the trade line and it's ALWAYS after the first two collections. maybe these collections keep failing cause everyone who wanted vol. 1 or 2 bought it the first couple of times you tried collecting it!

why the fuck did we start prefacing our opinions with 'hot take'?

adam is so different when he's not being accused of stealing jokes or subjected to elaborate fantastic situations in which his mom fucks dogs, it's great. chapo is like the summer camp where he's able to reinvent himself as cool

grace park surprises me, considering she, uh, still has a career.

i demand justice for chicago justice

Last I checked Allison Mack was in some weird cult. No shit.

i'm pissed they've cancelled the sandman mystery theater trades AGAIN.

"the juice have all the money"?

is she even old enough to be anti-semitic?

it was great, though, wasn't it?

i want to think he can be defeated in 2018 but the democrats are such fucking knobs. like, who's running against him? soglin? a 400 year old hippie is EXACTLY the kind of opposition that gets scott a third term.

he hates all urban areas of wisconsin, especially the ones with a lot of "urbans" if you know what i mean

they ARE going to start collecting superboy in the coming months. better late than never.

wrong comments section, mr. spencer.