
well, israel uses white phosphorus, which CREATES blind people, so it's connected after all

he's a wrinkled bag of shit

you can safely make that assumption in all AV Club comments sections

how surprising you're a commenter on wonkette

it's the bout they're calling Goofus v. Dumbass!

But every late night show making fun of Trump has fueled the resistance! 59 TV shows that mock Trump every fucking week isn't enough.

if only they used that balls to actually do anything important rather than stand up to a fucking reddit troll

and so blowing himself up created a lasting peace in europe

didn't america abandon that shit at least 15 years ago

but her friendship with henry fucking kissinger

"OOPS" [pulls lever on the back of a garbage truck]

people who are lefties in their youth either grow up to be more pragmatic status quo liberals, reactionaries or they stay lefty. i'm glad cromwell's the third of those.

dude, we're never lucky if the thing they do is "have howard mackie write comics"

Jason Aaron's Ghost Rider run did well in creating a grindhouse b-movie feel, so you might be interested in reading that.

funny how the creative glory days coincided with people being paid like shit and having no rights to anything

no way, THEM! was so much better.

let me guess: the guardians are dicks

Women's lives won't ever actually improve under late stage capitalism, so Warner Brothers making hundreds of millions of dollars off a product starring a woman is what constitutes a victory and a step forward. How the fuck don't you get that, Ms. THE CRUSH?!

you're a spider-man behind

too bad 'dark universe' is already taken