
so how long do you guys think tom brevoort will actually stay off twitter

well, i read punisher max's slavers arc while listening to the ducktales theme on a loop, but i don't know if i'd RECOMMEND it…

the thing is, if spider-man DID appear in the movie, it'd be a film about tom hardy stalking and trying to kill a teenage boy who he believes ruined his life. i don't know if that would play well on screen.

no, you have to own insurrection

hopefully they will have quicksilver reveal to magneto he's his son just in time for him to get killed and thus motivate magneto to go evil AGAIN

Why do you hate women?

notice this bigoted piece of shit doesn't find fault that 100% of the main characters are white

remember: whining solves everything

shut the fuck up, you simpering goblin. you might as well have said "don't go there!".

hm. i DO believe anyone involved with hamilton should be deported.

I love Decker but I also want the return of Check It Out! sometime soon.

i'm not sure how he'd be able to recycle the popular slogan "Vote for Cuomo, Not the Homo" when running against Bush or Clinton

no i'm pretty sure greedy capitalism didn't exist til trump became president

man, good thing we're not discussing a fucking legal case then

i would say because during periods of uncertainty and panic scam artists and opportunists thrive. on a certain level joseph mccarthy too was an opportunistic scam artist who boosted his own profile by playing on people's fears.

funding Neo-Nazis has always turned out well

you're either with us or you're with the terror—i mean Russians

liberals have always wanted their own 'you're either with us or against us' George W. Bush bullshit rhetoric and now they've got it

yeah, pinochet sure was some "hinky shit"

doesn't the US still have andrew jackson on the 20