
yes and yes.

hitman #34 is still one of the best superman stories i've ever read

i hope she's immediately depowered, turned into a vampire and becomes a single mom

i love that all of marvel's reprints of that comic, from the digital version to the one in the complete geoff johns collection of avengers, have taken that page out.

counterpoint: nightwing is boring and most of his solo stories are watered down daredevil comics

the definitive hank pym story is when geoff johns wrote him shrinking down into the wasp's vagina

nader did 9/11

or "i have to work a shitty job for long hours to survive and they don't give me paid time off to go stand in line for an hour to vote so i have to weigh the incredibly small effect i have on an election against being able to eat"

Well, if Depp assassinated Trump the AV Club would have to think of different topics for articles

Well, shit, if Republicans realize they're being hypocritical they'll DEFINITELY stop doing what they're doing.

yeah, at least when you're a transformers fan people don't automatically assume you're some sort of sexual deviant

hey, it's worked so far!

"i'm just chillin' in cedar rapids" - when i knew the clinton campaign wasn't foolproof

also known as the father of every show on adult swim

clinton's been the target of the right-wing for longer than i've been alive but really it's the bernie bros and vlad lenin's reanimated corpse to blame. is clinton ever at fault for anything? "well, actually i think she might've been TOO GOOD a candidate"

matt yglesias is a piece of dried toast. you're basically attaching ideology to a post it note

dear god, if you think goddamn matt yglesias is a fucking activist you need to scan your brain for tumors.

the actual reason i still go to deadspin sometimes. their articles about the hate mail they get from cards fans is fantastic

does zoe ever break character to defend her snitch grandfather in it?

Jay Leno: "Kevin, did you hear this, did you hear this? A Dog's Purpose
is SO popular in China they're making a sequel to it predominantly for
the Chinese. The film's about a dog who lives multiple lives as
different dogs. I wonder how many times this dog will be reincarnated as
Kevin Eubanks: [laughs]