
i'd say wahlberg has had several good performances but i'm not sure he ever 'disappeared' into a role

well bay's failed at emotional investment with human characters for five straight so fuck it why not try some robots gleep gloppin' at each other

but the films do spend too much time going "well maybe he has a point"

i have a weird fascination with the saw movies, because by about the fourth one they're mainly just about explaining what happened in the previous movie and the actual villain's been dead for half the series. it's so goddamn stupid

that's why those later movies were great or at least interesting. why the FUCK would anybody put all their eggs in the Costas Mandylor basket

hell, a significant percentage of those neocon architects of the george w. bush admin began their political lives as trotskyites, so that clue is certainly apt

why won't the left just be happy with their gruel!

Hahahaha, like center-right give a fuck. Republicans AREN'T going to vote for Democrats. They hate Democrats. Remember how Hillary tried so fucking hard to get moderate Republicans to vote for her and she fucking failed? The Dems running Republicans lite just alienates their actual base.

what kind of trump supporter would bake something as foreign as CROISSANTS?

[democrats run mitt romney in 2020]

yes, the only reason the democrats lose is because the left cares too much about purity. you'd think if that was the case that democrats would follow with "well, if our candidates are too conservative for our base to vote for them, we should find more left candidates", but apparently not.

the republicans should fear the prospect of democrats running more jon ossoffs

they said "big" amount of the vote

you upvoted your own comment you piece of shit

i find it amazing tom price's last reelection came against a candidate who doesn't seem to be a real person

but jon ossoff was such a powerhouse of charisma

that cartoon character you're thinking of? 67% chance welker did it. did you hear wind today? 75% chance welker was that wind.

DaVinci Code is a movie I distinctly remember seeing but I don't remember any of it. Sounds like that's a good thing!

i'm so happy i got that dana gould reference

does 2017 REALLY need this?