
i think every artist ever is autistic

don't tell me i've had too much!

Oh, but when I say gay people are monsters who are threats to children I'M homophobic!

they're right, though: Veep has killed a lot of people.

hacky is referencing studio 60 in 2017

so what authority figure did YOU convince your mom to kill?

don't get my hopes up, man

they only copy edit if it gets a rise out of trump

"cat, do you take bat to be your lawfully wedded…"

my vagina got a yalta infection

what the hell's a freeform?

i fucking hate those movies and how they're at least partially responsible for a series of shitty movies based on shitty TV shows that all revolve around the same joke: "hey, wasn't the source material pretty stupid?".

certainly putin is not one with russia. but i see a lot of people online trying to stoke a new cold war and really shouldn't liberals know better.

i mean, an 11 year old didn't actually say this. it's made up just like clara jeffery's woke kid. if they did say it, why the fuck is a congressman repeating it

well, why would it be scary if donald trump was part-russian?

look i'm ONLY saying you can't trust people of a certain ancestry to put this country first

yeah, which is why when donald trump pledged support to israel my son asked if we should start calling him (((Donald Trump)))

i dunno, a congressman feels comfortable tweeting "Our 11 year old just asked me if President Trump was part Russian. That would be really funny if it wasn't so really scary."

i like how now xenophobia is okay as long as it's against russia

yeah, i mean that's what i find vaguely interesting. jubilee is pretty much the only mutant who lost her powers on M-Day to not regain them. magneto, quicksilver, polaris, blob, hell even rictor all got them back. so it just seems funny that marvel, which has no problem with saying "fuck it back to status quo" is