
Northstar is just gay Quicksilver though

has no one mentioned that he DID THE FAT ALBERT VOICE as he was leaving the trial

it is admittedly a nice way to tie things together

finally, television has the courage to have a sexy hacker character.

that doesn't even make any sense. aykroyd didn't edit the old films and refuse to release the original versions, nor did he create a series of followups that destroyed any goodwill people had.

kind of mean to suggest this kid will go on to direct a shitpile like green hornet.

that would be amazing

chiklis is part of the main cast so his name shows up in the credits even when he's not in the episode. i too was hoping for some resolution for his dumb character.

grundy's a villain for everybody

i think it'd be pretty hard for them to float the 'both sides are at fault' thing about the war if it was set during WW2

well, you know, maybe the US shouldn't be world leader

no, the thing is, america knew what russia wanted better than russia did

i guess hillary shouldn't have spent all that time trying to sway moderate republicans and, say, gone left

didn't, um, gary johnson get WAY more votes than jill stein in 2016?

how would russia like it if we meddled with their electoral process? oh, right…

i don't trust nothing written by somebody named rainbow

that's really more because they don't have origin stories though

as of the current origin, right? cause an origin or two ago the amazons were all rapists or something i think

i mean, i'm a huge dr. doom fan. theoretically i should be thrilled he's getting his own ongoing comic for the first time. bendis is writing? fuck that shit

being written by bendis is getting the shaft