
We're not losing Dennis. We MIGHT be losing Dennis. Season 13 isn't going to be until 2019 anyway.

it's like how My Lai was really about saving people from the Vietcong

israel gets characterized as human beings whereas lebanon's a piece of machinery. interesting.

man, somehow they manage to spin it so israel using white phosphorous is ISRAEL's fault

cause she still instagrams about how awesome israel pulverizing gaza is

look, white phosphorous isn't THAT bad

i mean, they don't like her for being a supporter of the IDF, which dropped a million cluster bombs on lebanon ten years ago

but he IS a dweeb

i mean, he still won, so it wasn't even that much of a deal-breaker.

i immediately walked down to the record store and bought the DVD. i hadn't even seen game of thrones!

why do you say "tech bro companies are evil" instead of "capitalism is evil"

he has jokes?

yeah! that'll show…someone!

I love that this show has at least five characters under some form of mind control or insanity.

I doubt deaf people will watch Beat Shazam now!

I thought this was about the MMA fighter who almost beat his girlfriend to death.

i hope there's a lot of meta jokes. it's smart humor to point out the source material is garbage

that was the premise of an episode of harvey birdman, attorney at law

now i'm wishing there was a comic called Bernie Would've Won Avengers

pretty sure this is getting cancelled with #8