
Holy crap- I didn't even realize that was Kharma.


Anybody have a bead on where I might procure this comic? Is it sold online anywhere?

The Fox News crowd? This is international news. It's a headline story on CNN, The NY Times, and USA Today.

Sorry, but the flashback didn't work for me for one simple reason: it was obviously meant to signify Jenae's awakening to the reality of what will never be available to her as a black or brown person. Got it. The problem is that that ridiculous high school will never be available to 99% of WHITE people either.

So, she said the most patently clichéd liberal talking points and now the AV Club is good with her? Don't you guys find this very, I dunno…obvious?

Hang on- you hated the episode with the clichéd PC college kids, but loved the episode with the clichéd PC college professor? Sigh.

This totally blew my mind.

Moore is as desperate as he is unhealthy.

I'm all good with the fast/loose rules of reality in the world of this show, but the ever changing concern and then lack of concern for the severity of the hurricane was a little too much for me.

Riding down a waterslide is a skill now? All righty…can't wait to see the piece on the world's best dude at receiving oral.

I'm not as sure as the reviewer that the last shot was supposed to represent reality.

So, you gave a bad grade to a commentary on society because you disagreed with it?

So she's rich and got in for her money- does that give the roommates the right to openly ridicule her from a point of higher morality?

Totally unrelated comment in response: Netflix stock hits new all-time high.

First moment of the season I've been shaky on: the food/travel concept is presented here like something that's never been thought of until this moment.

Wrap your brain around this: Fred Armisen does an entire show centered around impeccably mocking documentaries and his best impression of someone from an actual documentary is on this show, not that one.

Ack, I assume you're in favor of massive taxs cuts for the upper class?

The AV Club is CNBC now. Huh.

When Frank and Diana were mentioned, I turned to my wife and said "okay, what are they that isn't dogs?"