
I don't think they're going to CAPTURE a wight- I think they're going to get one of the Hound's lackeys bit by one and bring him back as he becomes one.

Heard him tell the story one time of his origins: he was playing local clubs as Dan Whitney and not selling any tickets. Then, he started doing the Cable Guy character on morning radio…but still selling no tickets.

Wow…if only GoT had some strong women.

Somebody told him to get literally the whitest person alive as his attorney.

Wrestling is Cena's priority- just ask him. He'll tell you.

Nope- they're in negotiations with Kesha for that.

I feel like the Stark children are turning into super heroes. Each one sort of has his/her own "power" now. The Game of Incredibles.

I'm not as irritated by the manipulated patriotism as I am that the top two feuds right now are based around evil foreigner gimmicks. It's just boring.

Is there actually an argument? Because you couldn't even provide one example of a negative comment.


Loved the style, could have gone for just a little bit more substance.

I am typically very critical of the AV Club's Trump obsession.

And now I'd like to air my grievances:
- the hole was still in the fence??? After the guards left through it? The first thing that would have happened was that that hole would be been sealed.
- I'm not buying that there wasn't an uprising against Taystee when she rejected the agreement. About 1% of those women would

According to the Australian government, wild dogs kill 60,000 cattle a year.

I'd watch a show that was just someone asking 12 year old Australian kids if they now plan on roaming the bush hunting koalas to impress their idol.

I assume this show will go several seasons on Netflix, and I'm already eager to see the ending montage for all the girls- which ones end up leaving the business? Which head towards tragedy? And who's the lucky one who gets to be WWE Divas Champion multiple times?

I can't believe you didn't mention Sam's lines in the abortion clinic. "Actually, I'm her husband…I hate kids…and I was too lazy to pull out".

"it’s kind of ridiculous no one addresses the fact that this woman looks exactly like a female version of Hulk Hogan."


This is all part of Netflix's long-term plan to have Rich Sommer play the asshole husband/boyfriend in every show.