
Who cares if the Peter and the Wolf bit is style over substance? The Coens have made entire movies you could say that about.

I was a bigger fan of the AV Club before it deputized itself as the watchdog for all Donald Trump non-stories.

The most annoying trait of Lena Dunham's is her incessant need to seek out publicity specifically to then criticize those who take her bait.

Jesus, AV Club. You're going to hurt yourself stretching.

The only potential downside I can see here is that Mike Myers does appear to be sincerely nuts in real life.

How does Debbie have time in her schedule for Survivor? Her job claims are simultaneously non-sensical and bizarrely specific. It's incredible.

I'll be there. Already have my bathroom break scheduled for Thom Yorke's induction speech.

I'll check back here in a few months for the "NBC tries to work out Megyn Kelly ratings disaster" story.

Hang on a sec…you're telling me there's a late night TV comedian who doesn't like the Trumps?

Why wouldn't he be bemused by this fact?

As intriguing as this sounds, I don't know if I can handle an entire season of the AV Club reminding us that it's even more important at this time in history because blah blah blah…

Good point, but I think it's more because they want to lay somewhat low with it since Orton is currently feuding with a guy on the other brand.

Aaron Hernandez?

Good point that the two main titles seem flipped, but I have to say that I like the move with Jinder last night, especially with the pairing with the B Boyz. It's new and it's a little different.

Translation: Basically, we ran out of interesting subject matter in season 2.


They weren't religious, they were anti-Semitic and anti- Christian.

This headline is ridiculous.

Jinder hasn't failed a single wellness test, people- the little cups keep exploding.

Dude, Paige caused an entire promotion's roster of title belts to be retired. She ain't coming back.