
What I'd most like to see is the incriminating photos that the producers of this show have of the entire Standards and Practices office at NBC.

Leif's absolute and entirely unironic sense of self-entitlement is one of my favorite things about the show. He sees absolutely no reason he and Pete can't be friends and truly believes he's doing Pete a favor by stealing his wife. Fantastic stuff.

I suspect Harrison Ford would be very surprised and confused to hear this.

There was a young Stan Lee?

Greatest highlight ever: a heel was sneaking up on the top face while she had her back turned. So a little girl from the first row (there were no barricades) just walks up and starts tapping her and telling her "she's sneaking up on you".

Trivia: who is the only woman to hold both the GLOW and WWE women's titles?

If Sandra had pulled that off, it would have literally been the most incredible play in Survivor history.

Putting "terrorist" in quotes like that says enough for me. Thanks.

You mean bitchy tweets?

Leaving the psychiatric hospital:

Every fascist ever has quickly suppressed the speech part. Nothing remotely like that happening now. Not even close.

One thing that always occurs to me when someone calls Trump a fascist: if he is, in fact, a fascist, he's really terrible at it.

True. But it went on after Shane and HHH's matches and it was who it was.

Why didn't Corbin and Ambrose have that match at Mania?

Lincoln Burrows is quietly the most hilarious name made up by writers since Richard Dawson's "Damian Killian" in Running Man.

Next week will be critical: does Roman's move towards Greatest Heel in the Last Decade continue, or with a more "normal" crowd, is he back to Our Conquering Hero?

So, I'm not certain about one thing: was Perry also the rapist or did Jane just recognize him as the same type of person as her rapist?

Reminds me of when Vince McMahon had to save himself in court by admitting wrestling's not real.

Things I wish:
- I wish Goldie had never come back and that AJ was wrestling Brock on Sunday.
- I wish the Usos would come out on the main show and demand an opponent for their titles…to see the Hardys come through the curtain.
- I wish Cena and Miz were wrestling a singles match.
- I wish amongst the dozen women

Undertaker is so frail right now, I'm almost expecting some kind of swerve that keeps the match from happening- after his entrance, of course.