
Based on the way season two began, I'm not certain that Dustin has actually left Gus's apartment.

The highlight for me is that Gus began his path towards understanding Mickey's addictions while high on coke.

Okay, then a quick hypothetical for you: let's say Chris Pine were playing Gus's part. Same show?

Did you watch the first season?

So, what the fuck was Gus supposed to do exactly with Marty? Take a swing at him? Slap him on the back and tell Mickey to drink up?

I don't agree at all that Mickey had a revelation that she's like Randy. Despite the shows best efforts to forget about it, she seems to have a pretty decent job. Big difference.

The one that mystifies me is the one where you can see half the car and then the wall it's sticking out of lifts up and it's a…whole car! The people react like they just saw Copperfield make the Statue of Liberty disappear.

The most genius thing about this show is that amidst all of the slapstick comedy and goofy characters, I honestly have no idea whether Larry really did it or not.

I like how you worked condemnation of hatred, range, and lost decency into the same post in which you called the president "King Cheeto" twice.

As far as how he called them over, it's pretty clear we still don't fully understand how some species communicate.

Loved the tag title match and I liked Dean's use of the forklift (and Randy's acknowledgement of it), but I really thought the WM story-building was shaky.

Agreed 100%. Not to mention that any school on earth would be done with Renata and her baseless accusations by now. Which started from a public witch hunt in the first place.

I totally agree, Willard. False flag.

So, I was sold this show on it being a dark comedy…?

Because it's not that show?

"This isn’t a knock on Paul Rust’s looks, but Gus as a character."

No mention of John Lithgow's character name being a nod to Harry and the Hendersons?

Brilliant, but how could you leave out Lena Dunham?

One other note: Maddow's guest was at best deceptive about how AMT works (at worst, he was straight up lying):

Can we agree she must have at least glanced over the thing before deciding to tease it like earth-shattering news, then dedicate an entire show to it?