Her job is to promote her work as an actress, not talk about whether or not she'll be pushing a baby out of her vagina naturally.
Her job is to promote her work as an actress, not talk about whether or not she'll be pushing a baby out of her vagina naturally.
I don't believe celebrities are required to share their personal lives with everyone, or have paparazzi/stalkers record their every move, but when you freely spew all this info on your private life and your medical issues on a national talk show, you look like an idiot when you then walk around like this:
Well yeah, that sorta sucks, but it's also not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. Outrage machine activate.
Huh? What kind of idiot would think it's anything other than a stock photo, or from a professional photographer?
The (what looks like a) churning sea at the bottom of the hole is much more terrifying.
Actually, I'm pretty sure youtube is populated mostly by teenage BOYS and right wing conspiracy theorists.
ugh, teens and their cancer porn. I swear half the YA movies/books I've been seeing lately are about kids with cancer stop it.
No, I interpreted your comment as meaning that if you livetweet things, there's a chance, no matter how small, that the people will find out you did it. The same thing happens in real life. Some scandal goes down, people overhear it, gossip with their friends, and eventually everyone knows about it. It's not by any…
I assumed she would've encountered some sort of feminist hoity toity stuff in all her MOTHER nature junk.
I'm not sure why you're painting in broad brushstrokes either, acting like everyone has the same reaction. some people thought, and still do, that Jennifer Lawrence is a special snowflake sent from heaven. I, personally, have always found her annoying as hell.
I've never scrolled so much in my life. And damn you for making me remember that goddess Charlize is with that baked ham (though of course Charlize is rumored to be pretty baked herself all the time).
I didn't really pay attention to her aside from reading headlines about how sunbathed her vagina and ate wild shrooms. Maybe everything she's said until now made it sound like she was an awesome feminist example. If it did, that's great! She should've been admired. But now she's said something really fucking stupid…
Being a feminist doesn't mean being nice to stupid people.
This moron has time to learn about how to be some hippy mother earth freak, but can't take 15 seconds to Google what feminism is?
I don't think there's anything Native American about this at all? It looks more flapper inspired with the headband and feathers.
Is that Kate Bosworth between Stella and Reese? I can't tell because she only has half a body.
Everything about Lupita's outfit is hideous and tragic. It doesn't even get points for being daring, because it's just stupid.
Yeah, and that shit happened loooooooong before Twitter ever existed. Are you seriously telling me you've never shared something ridiculous you overheard with friends?
This isn't really anything new though. I'm pretty sure even in the 1500s people were sharing overheard conversations with their friends.
Uhhh, no those taxes will come out of the $3000 that person just got. And it'll only be like $100 or something. wtf?