More fun than driving a fast car slow

I have discovered that I am in a similar, though nowhere near as unique or dramatic, situation. Being O+, my blood can be used by A+, B+, AB+, and O+ patients, but apparently, having been born in Singapore, I was not exposed to some particular bug at a young age, and thus my blood lacks a particular antigen that the

At least the safety systems worked - see how the doors all sprung open upon impact?

Something similar caused my father to split from the Rotary Club that he had helped form. They ran a hole-in one competition for charity, and two people scored holes-in-one, which led to a shoot-off to determine the winner.

All I can say to anyone on either side of this argument is, "don't knock it until you've tried it." Yes, there are many mediocre examples to be found on both sides, but rare picaña from a good churrascaria is just as sublime as moist brisket from a good Texas smokehouse.

I presume that "stool" is attached to the flight deck somehow, else I would expect it to get blown around by the downthrust.

406mm cannons? Nope, those are 16" guns.

It's always a fscking Camry.

I thought they were mouse ears.

"If only we had some way to lift it back on its wheels. Like, a crane maybe..."

OMG, the "Furry Re-Birthing." I was just "WTF" until 3:40, then it literally ROFL'd.

Cool project, but how much cooler would it have been if they had been able to place the photos in the general vicinity of where they were taken, so that when you zoom in on Australia, for example, you don't find photographs from the other side of the world.

Apparently his insurance isn't covering her lifestyle.

Very cool. Reminds me of Peter Gabriel's Secret World, which came out around the same time as "Us". I have a copy somewhere - I wonder if it'll run under modern Windows.

OMG, a Messerschmidt. My grandmother had one in the early 1960's. We called it her "bubble car," and it had two seats in line astern.

I thought one of the primary functions of LRAD was to induce dizziness and disorientation? Just the sort of thing you want behind the wheel or a speeding vehicle.

Reminds me of those mushrooms that one time...

The key area that's missing - at least from my perspective - is encryption. What are folks using to automatically encrypt and decrypt all or part of their repository and share encryption keys for certain areas?